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Most popular on Blue Green 2 Oct – 08 Oct



Here’s the articles that were read by most people in the last week.

Dale Vince: Scrap subsidies for nuclear and fossil fuels to create level playing field

As RenewableUK’s State of the Industry report is released today, Britain’s leading green energy company Ecotricity has challenged the Government to scrap subsidies for nuclear power and fossil fuels to create a level playing field after it slashes support for renewable energy. Read more.

Amber Rudd, Secretary of State for Energy & Climate Change speech

Amber Rudd has spoken to the Conservative party conference in Manchester, in her capacity has Secretary of State for Energy & Climate Change. This is her speech in full. Read more.


Consumer Rights Act 2015 comes into force October 1st

New legislation will come into effect this Thursday under The Consumer Rights Act 2015. The new rules are set to replace eight current pieces of legislation, including The Sale of Goods Act (1979), The Supply of Goods and Services Act (1982) and the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations (1999). Older consumer laws don’t take into account a lot of recent development, such online/mobile shopping. Read more.

The Times: Coal-fired power stations ‘to close’ by 2023

The Times reports today (paywall) that: “Britain will shut down all its coal-fired power stations by 2023, under plans being drawn up by ministers before a United Nations climate change conference in Paris next month.” Read more.


Zambia elephant population tenth of 1981 numbers: first pan-African census in over 40 years

The Zambian Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) is conducting aerial surveys of elephants and other large herbivores in three of Zambia’s national parks.  The Nature Conservancy is facilitating the training of ZAWA ecologists on data collection and organizing the approximately 258 hours of flight time over the course of four weeks. Read more.


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