Parts of India are experiencing one of the worst heatwaves to ever hit central and northern regions, due to the late summer monsoon. Temperatures peaked at...
Deforestation has led to a decrease in falling leaf litter in rivers and lakes – a vital source of food for a wide array of fish...
The leaders of the green energy sector gathered in London on Thursday night for the annual British Renewable Energy Awards, in an event that showcased how...
Several organisations are helping us organise and underwrite Sustainable September, the month-long celebration of sustainability that you can reserve your tickets for now, before they go on general...
May 2014 was the third warmest May since global temperature satellite measurements began 35 years ago, scientists have revealed. The global average temperature for the month was...
The risks associated with climate change are greater than previously estimated because the model currently used fails to take into account the latest findings, according to...
Dozens of plant and tree species are under threat as they fail to adapt to warming temperatures, a University of Cambridge study has found. Species including...
A new House of Lords committee has been established to consider the recent changes in the Arctic and assess their implications for the UK and its...
Barack Obama has said that those who deny climate change are not only ignoring the science but also missing the opportunities that the threat presents, including...
There are eight myths about sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) that Richard Essex says must be broken; eight myths that, he adds, are currently being broken...
Socially responsible investment (SRI) “may involve financial sacrifice”. That’s according to Olivia S Mitchell, a professor of business economics and public policy at the Wharton School of...
Customers will be able to switch energy suppliers within three days by the end of the year, energy regulator Ofgem has announced. The plans aim to...
Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green...
The Co-operative Bank’s decision to conduct a poll among its customers on its ethical policy has been described as “essential” for the future of banking by...
The Kingfisher Group, which includes retailers such as B&Q and Screwfix, has published its first year results for ‘net positive’, which aims to have a positive...