The Christmas period is usually associated with frosty mornings, crackling fires and flickering candles, adorned Christmas trees giving off that wonderful pine aroma, cups of hot chocolate...
In the most recent country review of energy policies, the International Energy Agency has praised Italy’s extensive long-term energy strategy and the increase in its efforts...
Professor Aled Jones, Director of the Global Sustainability Institute at Anglia Ruskin University and former Anglia Ruskin PhD student, Dr Samir Saran, have recently written a...
New research has indicated that Scotland’s renewable energy companies work with more than 40 countries across the globe. Projects include advising the government of Japan, providing...
Following a successful Community Energy Fortnight in 2016, an announcement has been made revealing another year of collaboration between Community Energy England and Forum for the Future, on...
Key EU Environment Ministers discussing the reform of the EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) have today confirmed their support for measures to push forward emission cuts in the...
The only competitor in the Vendee Globe race to compete without using fossil fuel has been sponsored by Foresight Group LLP (“Foresight”), one of the leading independent...
Doctors, health professionals and medical students have launched the ‘Doctors Against Diesel’ campaign by holding up large numbers which read ‘9,400’ – the amount of early...
Michael Bradshaw, Professor of Global Energy at Warwick Business School, researches the geopolitics of the oil and gas industry and has released the following response to...
A refrigerator powered solely by waste heat that forms sound waves in a multistage travelling wave thermoacoustic engine, has been developed by Shinya Hasegawa and colleagues...
According to the latest coal predictions from the International Energy Agency, global coal demand growth will falter in the next 5 years as the appetite for...
Carbon Limiting Technologies (CLT), a low carbon and sustainable techonology-focused business consultancy, has been re-instated as the key delivery partner for incubation support services to the...
Earlier this month, Garanti, Turkey’s second biggest private bank that finances the country’s booming coal industry, received the 2016 Climate Performance Leadership award from CDP, a...
As garages were banned on Wednesday from advertising pollution filter removal, the Department for Transport must calculate the amount of diesel cars operating without a filter,...
The United Nations General Assembly has today made a historic decision to grant Observer Status to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the largest global business...