The UN’s world heritage committee has decided to put on hold a decision about whether list the Great Barrier Reef in Australia as endangered because of...
A combination of human-caused environmental degradation and efforts to control the great Yellow river in China, made almost 3,000 years ago, may be responsible for flooding...
Secretary-general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) Anders Fogh Rasmussen has said that he believes Russia is working with environmental groups to oppose fracking developments...
Lucy Siegle answers 20 questions on life, sustainability and everything. A columnist with the Guardian and Observer and reporter on programmes like The One Show and Radio 4’s From Our Own Correspondent, Siegle...
Britons drink an estimated 165 million cups of tea every day, creating a huge market and one we cannot afford to see reduced due to climate...
A Coca-Cola plant in India, which has faced criticism for extracting too much groundwater and releasing high levels of pollutants, is to be closed down, officials...
Antarctica must be better protected from tourism and other human activities, after experts noted a surge in the number of visitors travelling to “the planet’s last...
New research suggests that waste coffee could be used to power vehicles and ease concerns around the sustainability of biofuels, whilst also addressing the issue of...
Indigenous people in Australia have won a battle in the federal court to overturn legislation made in 2009 that restricted development around three rivers in Cape...
English honey bees benefitted from this year’s mild winter and improved colony survival rate, but experts noted that the loss is still too high. Winter survey...
Blue & Green Tomorrow’s makeshift office, the Parcel Yard pub in King’s Cross station, London, has been named the best railway station pub in the world....
What will business look like in the future and who are our future leaders? This is the next instalment in our series speaking with a group...
Education in the UK is in a prime position to be the leader in transformation of precious public sector energy resource management through Seed. Seed –...
The way energy investors react to the financial analysis that describes up to 80% of fossil fuel reserves as “unburnable” will determine whether or not the...
More than 100 environmental and social organisations have unveiled the Global Paper Vision, which calls for the paper industry to adopt more sustainable practices that fully...