International experts have suggested that the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) should replace ‘blockbuster’ reports with more frequent and targeted studies to address specific...
Sea levels rise would increase the frequency of coastal floods and cyclones, resulting in huge financial losses especially in developing countries, according to a reinsurance firm’s...
Brazil should prepare for a future heating of 3-6C and more unpredictable weather, which could severely affect its position as one of the world’s largest exporters of...
The Sentencing Council, the body charged with setting out sentencing guidelines issued to all of the judiciary of England and Wales, recently held a consultation to...
The coalition has announced a $40 million (£23m) trust fund to promote the maintenance of the Great Barrier Reef and tackle poaching and illegal fishing, but...
Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has called for governments to take climate change seriously and step up to their responsibilities...
Climate change is likely to cause stronger and more frequent hurricanes, but may reduce the risk of extreme storms similar to Hurricane Sandy from hitting the...
US Secretary of State John Kerry has said that the existence of climate change is undeniable but it is not too late to prevent some of...
President Putin has been criticised for the construction of ski resorts and infrastructure for the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games that campaigners say have devastated the Caucasus...
The president of a Pacific island has said that western countries should do more to fight climate change as sea levels rise and extreme weather threatens...
Top beauty firms have been criticised by environmental campaigners over the use of unsustainable palm oil as a key ingredient in their products. A survey by...
A canyon almost twice as long as the Grand Canyon in Arizona has been discovered buried under miles of ice in Greenland. It is thought that...
There are renewed concerns over the Fukushima radioactive water spill as the operator of the nuclear power plant has warned that it may consider discharging radioactive...
Pests and diseases are moving fast towards the poles thanks to warmer temperatures, a new study has revealed. Crop pests are spreading towards the North and...
Campaign groups involved in the anti-fracking protests in Balcombe, West Sussex, have planned a 28 day blockade to the drill site. The site, which is occupied...