Today on Blue & Green Tomorrow, we reported on greenhouse gas levels rising at the fastest pace seen since 1984 and looked at the so-called global...
NASA is developing a new probe that will create a unique 3D map of all the world’s forests, in an attempt to improve understanding of their...
The area burned by forest fires in Europe could increase by 200% by 2090 because of the impacts of climate change, a new study from the...
If scientists had today’s tools in the 1990s, they would have been able to forecast a pause in global rising temperatures, according to a new study...
This week, environmental group Greenpeace have launched a campaign to save over 400,000 trees and its local inhabitants in Mahan, India, from a potentially illegal coal...
Wild species related to our crops and are crucial as a potential future food resource have been identified in a study. However, researchers from the University of Birmingham...
The Community Energy Fortnight hopes to raise awareness of renewable energy projects this September. As part of the national event, the Anafon Hydro Project – a community-led renewable...
As the global population grows food supply may be unable to meet rising demand, with potentially devastating impacts for countries already reliant on imports, a new...
The government has outlined an action plan to ensure a global climate agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions ahead of UN conference in Paris in 2015...
The findings of a recent YouGov poll that confirmed the Yes campaign for an independent Scotland has edged ahead of its rival has spurred panic among businesses...