The 11th Hour is a documentary created, produced and narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio about the state of the natural environment. This comprehensive film looks at the issues...
In Gaia, James Lovelock puts forward his idea that life on Earth functions as a single organism and is self-regulating. In the 30 years since his hypothesis...
The year is 2055 and the Earth is devastated. A man looks through the ‘global archives’, viewing clips and interviews from our current time, asking why...
Green Money, by SavvyWoman founder Sarah Pennells, aims to show readers how to assess what they want to do with their money and how to look behind...
The Corporation is based on a book of the same name written by Joel Bakan. The documentary is critical of the modern day corporation, its global...
Investing in a Sustainable World demonstrates that ‘going green’ not only has a positive impact on the environment, but also pays off financially. Matthew J Kiernan argues...
In this two-part documentary, Sir David Attenborough undertakes a journey to discover how global warming is changing the planet. Over the course of the programme Attenborough...
In Prosperity Without Growth Tim Jackson argues that the capitalist model has failed and the increasing level of consumerism is unsustainable. Growth promotion has led to...
Climate change is likely to bring about massive transformations unless we act to create a more sustainable society. The developing world is least culpable for the...
There has been a lot of discussion about climate scientists and their work. Who are they? What do they do? To answer these questions and more,...
Photographer James Balog used to be sceptical about climate change. This was until 2005, when he was sent to the Arctic for an assignment. Capturing the...
Alex Blackburne reviews The Island President, a documentary film about a country on the brink of extinction because of climate change and one man’s arduous fight...