Leading businesses and environmentalists have today (Monday 5 December) called on Scotland to emulate Norway and undergo a transport revolution in order to reach future emission targets....
Today the ECOFIN Council agreed on its position on the future of the European Fund for Strategic Investments, EFSI, also known as the Juncker Plan or the...
A German energy agency, The Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena), has launched the ‘start-up energy transition’ international competition. Start-ups and young companies worldwide are invited to apply with...
ET Index Research has revealed in a report launched today that global leaders in carbon reporting have the potential to save the equivalent of Japan’s annual CO2...
The European cement industry is not disclosing the financial risks it would face in response to a meaningful price on carbon, while continuing to undermine regulations...
Research from the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) has revealed that the majority of new local plans in England are failing...
The German Presidency must use the G20 platform to mobilise international cooperation and action on climate change according to Climate Action Network. Decisive action on climate change...
A backwards step in the conservation of the Brazilian Amazon as deforestation increases by 29%. Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon has grown to around 8 thousand...
The ‘Clean Energy for All Europeans’ package released by the European Commission today has inconsistencies with the Paris Agreement’s objective of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C, and...
A report on European electricity supply margins for this winter by ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators, highlights the importance of the UK remaining fully...
Today WWF Scotland director, Lang Banks, has responded to a study published reporting that time wasted in the UK’s worst traffic jams will cost motorists £62 billion...
Today a Christian climate change group placed melting ice in front of the entrance to a government department. This was done with the aim of expression...
How can the climate action movement can evolve to meet a post-authority World? The appointment of the new US president elect was understandably viewed by many...
New guidelines from researchers from University of East Anglia (UEA) have been set to improve the communication and understanding of scientific data – using knowledge of how...
Minesto, the leading tidal energy technology developer, are continuing to strengthen their market relations with Latin America. The company has joined a Swedish Green Tech trade...