I recently had a very uncomfortable discussion with my friend Sheila about sustainable living. She says that she is highly committed to sustainable living. However, she...
A number of eco-conscious consumers are looking for new ways to decompress from the stresses of daily life. There are a number of sustainable self-care strategies...
The economist Ed Glaser, an expert on urbanization, in his book “The Triumph of the City”, calls the city “the greatest invention of mankind.” In his...
When you think of the routine weekly or monthly cleaning that you need to do, chances are good that cleaning your mattress is not on your...
Okay, so you’ve firmly decided on making your life a bit more eco-friendly. You’ve started taking the baby steps, and you’ve begun learning about the whole...
According to a recent report from the International Energy Agency, renewable energy is growing at a rate that is greater than anticipated. The IEA believe that...
Are you a regular festival goer? You may feel guilty about that if you are also committed to helping the environment. Fortunately, you don’t need to...
Can people do their jobs without this warm and slightly bitter brew? Most people would find it difficult as they already consider coffee as the ultimate...
Australia's bushfires are part of a growing trend - worsening bushfires and other extreme weather around the world. But could asbestos be a hidden threat?
Energy Star is one of the leading figures concerning energy efficiency — a reputation they’ve established from years of producing excellent products. It’s easy for people...