Noticed any crazy weather lately? You may be feeling the return of El Niño. Scientists announced yesterday that one of the most potent influences on global...
The Prime Minister has praised the UK’s Green Investment Bank (GIB) for its role in accelerating the transition to a low-carbon energy system, thanks to the...
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has approved a new legislation to prevent pollution and oil spills in polar waters, but environmental groups have argued these do...
It’s called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). A bustling beehive that seems healthy will quickly turn into a ghost town. A live queen may be left behind,...
Changing consumer mindset is crucial for electrical technology to progress, says Ulla Pettersson, Advisory Board member for POWER-GEN Europe and Managing Consultant and Founder of E...
People at Poorlots Allotments in Cadishead are being taught how to make solar panels, as a way to take control of their own bills and support...
South African actress said an uncertain and dangerous future like the one portrayed in the movie Mad Max : Fury Road awaits humanity unless we succeed...
Renewable energy usage in the UK has seen a staggering 540% increase in the past ten years, while carbon emissions have dropped 26%. Part of this...
Changing consumer mindset is crucial for electrical technology to progress, says Ulla Pettersson, Advisory Board member for POWER-GEN Europe and Managing Consultant and Founder of E...
The world’s first solar road is generating more electricity than expected engineers have confirmed, just six months after initial launch. Dutch engineers built the project November...