Forest disturbances, such as wildfires, strong winds and bark beetles, are becoming more damaging because of climate change. Researchers have found these disturbances have increased in...
Manda Brookman answers 20 questions on life, sustainability and everything. Manda Brookman is the director of CoaST: One Planet Tourism network, an independent social enterprise leading...
A team of British designers has come up with a bizarre green energy solution, submitted to the Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI) design competition, in the...
Employees at the Ecology Building Society in Silsden, West Yorkshire, have launched a last-ditch effort to save a tree outside their offices. The old tree is...
The rapid warming of the world’s oceans, caused by climate change, is increasing record-breaking levels of Pacific Equatorial trade winds, new research has found. Scientists from...
The UK government has announced it will close a legal loophole that could have given billions of pounds to old coal power plants. However, the news...
Blue & Green Tomorrow’s Sustainable September full-day sustainability conference has changed venues, moving to the Royal Geographical Society. The event, which will run from 8am to 6pm...
The US city of Toledo, in Ohio, has been dramatically affected by a widespread contamination of its drinking water, now proven to be the direct result...
Would you like to win an iPad, Kindle Fire or charity donation? Then join the almost 700 readers who have told us what they think of...
Tim Yeo, chairman of the House of Commons’ Energy Committee, has written to the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) urging it to investigate the wholesale gas...
With the arguments against investment in fossil fuel companies mounting, Clare Brook, founding partner at WHEB Listed Equities, asks if going fossil fuel free is simply the right...
July was the eighth month in a row where temperatures have been higher than average or the UK Last month was both sunnier and warmer than...
MIT research published in the journal Nature Climate Change warns that rising temperatures and air pollution will combine to have negative effect on crop yield, placing...
The World Bank released its draft social and environmental safeguards on Wednesday, following their leak last week. Environmental groups and activists have said the new framework...
Research from the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has found only 14% of England’s 16,784 state-funded primaries provide a choice of sustainable seafood. The ‘end of year...