Global warming is a severe crisis that affects the sustainability of our environment and negatively impacts our health. More people around the world are becoming eco-friendly...
What did you drink this morning when you woke up? Maybe some tea, a hot chocolate, or even some juice? If you are like many people...
The outdoor space around your home can become a beautiful setting where you can host events, play games, tend to a garden, take a swim, or...
David Trounce, an author with, wrote a post that showed that green businesses are growing remarkably. He highlighted the fact that companies have been using...
Harvard Business Review recently talked about the paradox of green consumers. The article highlighted a survey showing that 65% of consumers claim that they want to...
The notion of climate change is being discussed with increased frequency in the media, with conflicting claims about its extent and the likely impact on current...
Although some people and government officials still like to ignore it, climate change is real. So real, in fact, that we can already feel its effects....
Green startups are becoming more popular than ever. A study published by Research Gate shows that green startups are no longer a niche market. They are...
Waste-to-energy (WtE) is a broad topic that typically concerns converting solid waste into electricity or heat energy. It’s often done by combustion, although other methods, like...
Recycling is becoming more important than ever. Unfortunately, many people aren’t recycling nearly enough. We have found that 34.5% of all recyclable products are recycled. Most...