Energy Watch Group and Lappeenranta University of Technology analysis shows that the IEA has consistently undermined potential of solar and wind energy in the last decade. Energy...
More than 400 institutions and 2,000 individuals yesterday pledged to divest $2.6 trillion from fossil fuels. These commitments include governments and investors from 43 countries and...
Scottish Renewables and Good Energy respond to to day’s speech CBI Director-General John Cridland’s today at a major climate leadership event in central London hosted by Green...
The EIB, Europe’s long-term lending institution, approved today more than EUR 17 billion of new loans to support investment in telecommunications, water infrastructure, renewable energy, roads,...
More than 400 institutions and 2,000 individuals have today pledged to divest $2.6 trillion from fossil fuels. These commitments include governments and investors from 43 countries...
Speaking alongside the former Vice President of the United States, Al Gore, and the Chief Executive of Christian Aid, Loretta Minghella at an event organised by...
Global Coalition Announces Major Commitments as World Leaders Gather at UN; Thousands of new commitments represent a 50-fold increase in one year. The movement to divest from...
Foodie fans raved over a slap-up feast at an exclusive pop-up diner, but were left eating their words when the chef revealed the main ingredient – stale...
What do a banana skin, coffee cup and cigarette butt have in common? They’re all an eyesore if littered. Even one piece of litter makes a street feel...
World Rhino Day celebrates all five species of rhino: Black, white, greater one-horned, Sumatran and Javan rhinos. World Rhino Day was first announced by WWF-South Africa in...