Across nearly 2,000 listed companies, some are now showing a ‘superior’ approach at tackling climate change, saving money and gaining investors’ trust, according to information requested...
During the 12th UN conference of the parties (COP12) on the Convention on Biological Diversity, currently ongoing in South Korea, the Brazilian government has announced the...
Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow....
Scientists may have underestimated the beneficial impact plants have had while absorbing carbon out of the atmosphere, according to a new study. However, experts have warned...
Today on Blue&Green Tomorrow, we heard from EcoPlanet Bamboo’s founder Troy Wiseman about capitalism carrying social and environemntal benfits. We also reported on a new analysis...
We have reached 36% of our targets and raised over £32,000 thanks to our amazing readers and supporters who believe in a blue and green world...
Activists protesting against art’s ties with the fossil fuel industry have performed a musical demonstration during the media launch of the Rembrandt exhibition at the National...
The city of Örebro has become the first city in Sweden to commit to ditching its investments in fossil fuel firms, as the global divestment movement...
Onshore wind energy is the cheapest form of energy in Europe, when additional factors such as the costs of pollution and climate change are taken into...
Ethical retailer M&S has not made progress on phasing out hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) from its fridges and saving energy with closed doors, according to a report by...