Citizen Koch explores the state of democracy in America and the fracturing of the Republican party. It argues that the US Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling...
Comic Relief has concluded a review into its ethical investment strategy, following revelations last year it invested in companies that appeared to conflict with its mission....
In the follow-up to the acclaimed Gasland, filmmaker Josh Fox takes a deeper and broader look at the dangers of the controversial method of extracting natural...
Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review takes a comprehensive look at the economics of climate change and seeks to give the understanding needed to underpin...
The Financial Ombudsman Service settled a record number of disputes between consumers and financial service providers over the year to the end of March 2014. The...
Jaffa in Israel is a city divided between two communities and decades of violence, but Pierre Dulaine, a four-time world champion ballroom dancer, attempts to bridge...
The Systems View of Life takes a broad sweep through the history of ideas and across scientific disciplines. It argues that the way we look at...
Trashed, staring Academy Award winner Jeremy Irons, looks at the dangers human waste is creating in terms of the food chain, environment and health. It assesses...
People Over Capital, from the magazines Ethical Consumer and New Internationalist, is a collection of essays looking at the co-operative model and its benefits. It seeks...
Fed Up looks at what is causing obesity in the US and argues we have been misled about weight gain and weight loss. Instead, the documentary...
The World We Made: Alex McKay’s Story from 2050presents a credible, positive vision of our planet in the future. It sets out what needs to happen...
Capital in the Twenty-First Century takes a comprehensive look at wealth and income inequality, investigating how it has changed since the 18th century. Economist Thomas Piketty...
The Co-operative Group has announced losses of £2.5 billion for 2013, marking its worst performing year in its 150-year history. The group said the “heavy losses”...
The Royal Banks of Scotland (RBS) was the leading lender to renewable energy projects in 2013 and now aims to build on this to improve trust...
Lord Myners, who resigned from the Co-operative Group last week, has defended his review into the governance structure of the organisation, saying he wants to “protect...