The 11th Hour is a documentary created, produced and narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio about the state of the natural environment. This comprehensive film looks at the issues...
In Gaia, James Lovelock puts forward his idea that life on Earth functions as a single organism and is self-regulating. In the 30 years since his hypothesis...
A cross-party committee in the Australian Senate has warned that urgent reform is needed to protect the country from the consequences of climate change. The panel,...
A recent study has suggested that ice cover in the Arctic could disappear completely within around 40 years, due to rising temperatures in the region. The...
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has published a list of its most wanted tax fugitives, in a bid to capture offenders. A year after the first...
Building skyscrapers out of traditional materials such as steel and concrete is a thing of the past, argues architect Michael Green in this week’s TED talk....
Unions and pressure groups have called for greater ethical responsibility from the Government Pension Fund of Norway, the world’s largest sovereign wealth investor. The $760 billion...
The Taiwanese government has raised concerns over a long-running radioactive leak, amid controversy over a similar incident at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan. Taiwan Power...
Pope Francis has begun a personal fight against financial corruption, unethical funding and money laundering within the Vatican Bank, after issuing a new decree calling for...
The ‘big six’ energy firms collectively raked in profits of £3.74 billion in 2012 – a figure 74% higher than the sum the surplus they made...