Introducing the Positive Impact Portfolios from EQ Investors. For investors who want to earn a strong financial return by investing in solutions to social and environmental...
Humankind now uses a mind-boggling amount of energy. Currently, we use over 18 terawatts per year, powering our modern electrical needs and those needs are growing....
OLEV and Innovate UK are inviting consortia to apply for a share of £24m to develop innovative low emission vehicles or on-vehicle systems. The Office for...
Secretary of State for International Development, Justine Greening, has supported the ICAEW’s drive to put the accountancy profession at the heart of global sustainability. ICAEW believes the accountancy...
Today, the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) listed, and admitted to trading on its Euro MTF market, four green bonds issued by the BoC. Under its US$20,000,000,000...
The community energy company, Mongoose Energy, has further strengthened their management team through the appointment of Garry Peagam to the role of Chief Finance Officer. Garry...
An increasing number of companies are beginning to realise the benefits of supporting their local communities. In one week alone, numerous companies in Southend and Castle Point...
The future of some of the world’s most important natural World Heritage sites was determined yesterday at a UN session representing 192 countries. The UNESCO World...
It was announced today that a consortium of businesses and organisations plan to develop and trial an innovative electric powered bike and walker trailers to deliver...
Sustainability was found to be a key driver for seafood purchasers, a new global independent research has found. Overall across 21 countries, sustainability is rated as more...