Announced at a Cominc Con panel by the executive producer of the iconic animated comedy series Al Jean, electric automotive tycoon Elon Musk will appear on...
The US and the EU have announced new economic sanctions against Russia, including measures that may impact on international oil companies. The decision was made as...
Jeremy Leggett, Karl Harder and Mark Powell have all been confirmed as speakers for the Sustainable September’s Energy Debate taking place at Siemens Crystal in London on September...
Pembrokeshire council has said that a hand built eco-home of a couple who did not apply for planning permission has to be demolished, despite the support of...
Investors could get a better return on their money through investing in a wind turbine project on crowdfunding platform Trillion Fund than placing their money in...
Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green...
The UK Green Investment Bank (GIB) has announced its third investment into the Scottish distillery industry, unveiling plans for a biomass boiler in the Speysid’s Balmenach...
Actor Robson Green launched the return of hydropower at the large country house, Cragside, on Tuesday. The green energy installation moves forward with the National Trust...
East Midlands-based EvoEnergy has completed works on a 3 megawatt (MW), 11,500 panel rooftop solar array that will power over 1,000 BMW production robots at its...
Nearly 600 readers have already told us how they want Blue & Green Tomorrow to look like. Fill out our 2014 reader survey and you could...