Amber Rudd has spoken to the Conservative party conference in Manchester, in her capacity has Secretary of State for Energy & Climate Change. This is her...
Chancellor’s infrastructure and devolution plans must dovetail with climate goals and properly involve the British public, says think tank. Plus newspapers immediate reactions. Think tank Green Alliance...
London Capital Credit Union in Islington is looking for volunteers in the run up to Christmas as it deals with rocketing demand for its services. The...
Great British Oceans campaign wins four PEA (People Environment Achievement) Awards on 3 October 2015 at a ‘green carpet event’ in Brighton. Attending from the GB Oceans...
The tagline for this year’s conference is ‘Security, Stability and Opportunity’. We hope this alludes to energy security, climate stability and the green jobs opportunity. With the...
An OECD-led plan unveiled today on how to tackle global tax avoidance has ignored the problems faced by the world’s poorest countries in collecting their fair...
Greenpeace’s tuna league table for 2015 sees the UK’s largest tinned tuna brand, John West, sink to the bottom of the ranking, with a woeful 98% of its...
From the book’s website; “Humanity is in a race, a kind of civil war. In ‘The Winning of The Carbon War’ Jeremy Leggett documents the political...
The African continent could generate nearly a quarter of its energy needs through the use of indigenous, clean, renewable energy by 2030, according to a new...
Councils dominated by single parties could be wasting as much as £2.6bn a year through their procurement processes, according to a new report for the Electoral...